●I`m very friendly [i love to hug my friends :">] sometimes i`m crazy [almost all the time] or very crazy [when I have to much energy,or when I`m bored].I like to make people laugh,I love to talk to my friendz [I love them ;x] ,to go outside,to meet new people and stuff like that.
●So....I love animals.Especially dogs! My favourite dog is Husky [:x].
●I love to draw,if I want to .....not If I have to.
● I can`t resist a day without music.If I don`t listen to music I get nervous .I don`t like music like manele [that`s how we call them]-Manele-a kind of music where the singer talks about money,women,cars,faime and stuff like that- [sorry guys`] .Music is supposed to inspire me,to relax me,to talk about things that I`ve been to....i can`t relax while listening manele [lol]
●I listen all kind of music Pop,Rock,Metal,House..... [and others] especially Rap.I love Eminem`s songs.
●I love the sunrise and the sunset,the rain,A smile,I love to dance.....I`m totally disoriented in the morning ,I`m a daydreaming person,I dream almost all the time during the day,I talk a little to much [yeah,I know], I don`t lie ,[just sometimes] .I always appreciate an advice, a compliment, humor, a look,a smile and I love blue eyes [:x]. But I hate fake people, a lie, and superficiality.
Name : Teo Nick Name : Kiddo :) Birthdate : 21/12/95 Birthplace : Reghin Eye Color: brown Hair Color: brown Height : 1,69 Weight :-" Piercings : No Tatoos : No Boyfriend/Girlfriend : Maybe.. Vehicle :bicycle Overused Phrase :Be free!:)
Food : pizza Pub/Disc/Restaurant: :-?? Candy : Lollipop Number :8 Color : red,blue,pink Animal : dog :o3 Drink : Colla/Pepsi Body Part on Opposite sex: Eyes Perfume : B.U TV Show : American Idol,Disaster Date,Romania`s got talent Music Album :Recovery Movie : horror Actor/Actress : Aaaa....don`t know :-??
Pepsi or Coke : Pepsiii` McDonalds or BurgerKing : McDonalds=p~ Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla Hot Chocolate or Coffee : Hot chocolateee` Kiss or Hug : Both >:d< Dog or Cat : Dogg Rap or Punk : Rap :x Summer or Winter : Summer Scary Movies or Funny Movies : Scary Love or Money : loveee YOUR...
Bedtime : LOL :)) Most Missed Memory : A lot XP Best phyiscal feature : :-?? First Thought Waking Up :Smile - Best Friends : Ale`:x,Ralu` ,Emm`,Alex,Olivia, Stefy`,Anca,Andreea,Evo,Dimitry,Misho, Aly,Mhn,etc [:x] Weakness:secret xD Fears :heights X_X Longest relationship : 4
Cheated Your Partner : nee`! Ever been beaten up : not yet Ever beaten someone up :maybe :-" Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Yeah
Favorite Eye Color : bluee`! Favorite Hair Color :it doesn`t matter Short or Long : short Looks or Personality :both Hot or Cute: cute Muscular or Really Skinny : ??
What country do you want to Visit : Germany,Greece,Egipt,Sirya ;)) How do you want to Die: fast`.. Been to the Mall Lately : yeah` Get along with your Parents : yeah Health Freak :ha?? Believe in Yourself :yeah! Want to go to College : of course ;P Do you Smoke : noo`! Do you Drink :no... Shower Daily :yeah Been in Love :yes :| Do you Sing :when no one hears... Want to get Married :yeah Do you want Children :yes :) Age you wanna lose your Virginity : IDK
My name is Teo :)
I`m affraid of spiders
And height
I love rain
I love sunrise.
I`m not such a good singer XD
I`m hard to convince
I love chocolate
I love horror movies
I don`t like Justin Bieber x_x
I love to drink Coca-Cola or Pepsi...
Sometimes I`m very annoying [ask my friendzz ;))]
I like to draw
I love vampire movies [twilight is my favourite :x]
My friends call me DoDo. [or Kiddo]
I wanna go in Egipt
My birthday is in 21 december
I love Rap music
I have curly hair
I like to listen people`s problems
I talk a lot on the phone
I love trips
I love to run
I love Summer
I have a brother x_x
I have a poster colection [it`s not so big]
I love jewelry
When I was younger I found a dog on the street and I took it home.
I like to make fun of people
I hate when someone is upset
I love to make people to laugh
I`m a daydreaming person
I love dancing [but I don`t really dance :))]
I love to watch different programs like Disaster Date,American Idol,How it`s made,Fear Factor etc.
I don`t wanna grow up` x_x
I used to watch Naruto but I got bored
Sometimes I`m watching The Boondocks anime
I want a skateboard
I love to make photos
I`m a stubborn person
I love persons who know the sense of the word "humor"
I have the same telephone number ever
I hate persons who talk just about school [they`re annoying]
I would like to have a dog.
I love fruits
I hate clovns
I love listening music [i can`t resist a hour without music]
I talk very much
I know...
I hate when someone tells me what to do
I love dog films
I cry at films like Hachiko...
And I love films with dancers :x Step up :x
I cried a lot when my dog died in my arms [2 years ago]
I`m terrified of fish rods. [I got stuck in them often when I was little]
I love melon
Sometimes I want to get back in time
Music is my time machine
I love to sleep
I love cartoons like Robots,Sponge bob,South Park
I like Michael Jackson`s songs
I love blue color
I like to look up the sky at the clouds
I love shopping
I`m very friendly
I love candyes
I hate fake people X(
I love to say "I love you"
I love my sisters and my brothers.
I hate math....X_X
I hate indifference ,flatterers,people who think they are superior ,liers......
Now I lost my trust in people,thanks to someone who pretended to be my friend,and now he`s indifferent,and I hate him! X_X
I`m allergic at stupidity.
I hate when someone can`t keep a secret.When you tell somebody something important and they tell it to the wrong person.....[What the....!?]
They say music can alter moods and talk to you
Sometimes I wish I was famous X|
Although I`m an optimistic person,sometimes I see the things in a wrong way.
Sometimes I think there`s nothing to live for,I almost break down and cry.
I love to go at the sea [altough I don`t know to swim ]
I love animals
Sometimes I`m thinking at the worst things that can happen to me.
I don`t like people who behave like adults....You have just 1 childhood,don`t waste it !! You have time to grow ....[FOCUS].
I hate fight X_X
I don`t like hospitals,or to be around sick people.
I love icecream
I love my parents :x
I have a lot of toys :">
I don`t eat after 6 o`clock
I love to keep things
When I was little I dreamed to become a VET.
When I start to sing.......RUN!
Sometimes I`m very jealous
I hate when I want something and I don`t have money
My favorite refren :In my shoes, just to see/What it's like, to be me/I'll be you, let's trade shoes/Just to see what it'd be like to/Feel your pain, you feel mine/Go inside each other's mind/Just to see what we find/Look at shit through each other's eyes/But don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful,/ ohThey can all get fucked./Just stay true to you/So don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful/Oh, they can all get fucked./Just stay true to you, [eminem-beautiful]
Sometimes I`m hard with myself
I`m affraid of the future.
I would like to fly.
I hate small spaces.
I hate black chocolate X_X
I`m talking while sleeping [sometimes!!!!] XP