Preserving The Rights Of Animals
Every day millions of animal in China are led to the slaughter.
Dogs and cats are jam-packed into small cages
Before theyr death they are treated brutally and without mercy.
They are cooked alive.
They are skinned alive.
The animals are left in unimaginable pain.Untill it gives out and die.
This actions have no justification .
But we can change the reality.
Just sign the petition to save the animals from China:
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It`s all about money
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I just had a speech at english about Dreams so I`m gonna give you some hints about...
How to prepare a speech
1)The content:
When you prepare the speech you must have an introduction , you must talk about 3 aspects of the chosen topic.[For example:I had a speech about dreams and my 3 aspects were :dreams,nightmares and symbols of dreams].After that you must have a conclusion. ["In conclusion....."] which is like a short summary of the topic.
The structure must have a logical flow .You can write your ideeas on note cards [1 ideea per card] to be shure you keep the same order.You can have as many note cards as you want, just make shure they`re all in order ,and remember that you can only take a watch on can`t read! .
In the beginning you have to introduce yourself and the topic.
Body language:
-you must have eye contact with the public permanently!
-don`t move around,but if you move....make shure you`re not moving too fast because it`s annoying for the public.Make just 1 , 2 steps.
-don`t do anything with your hands [arranging your hair,scratching,covering your mouth and stuff]
-for girls:make shure you won`t whip your hair, or, if you do it....don`t do it`s annoying!
-you must have short pauses.
While talking change the
To make shure the public pays attention
-use you instead of we or us.
-use retorical/tag questions
And the most important:
Make sure you fit in time.
How to prepare a speech
1)The content:
When you prepare the speech you must have an introduction , you must talk about 3 aspects of the chosen topic.[For example:I had a speech about dreams and my 3 aspects were :dreams,nightmares and symbols of dreams].After that you must have a conclusion. ["In conclusion....."] which is like a short summary of the topic.
The structure must have a logical flow .You can write your ideeas on note cards [1 ideea per card] to be shure you keep the same order.You can have as many note cards as you want, just make shure they`re all in order ,and remember that you can only take a watch on can`t read! .
In the beginning you have to introduce yourself and the topic.
Body language:
-you must have eye contact with the public permanently!
-don`t move around,but if you move....make shure you`re not moving too fast because it`s annoying for the public.Make just 1 , 2 steps.
-don`t do anything with your hands [arranging your hair,scratching,covering your mouth and stuff]
-for girls:make shure you won`t whip your hair, or, if you do it....don`t do it`s annoying!
-you must have short pauses.
While talking change the
To make shure the public pays attention
-use you instead of we or us.
-use retorical/tag questions
And the most important:
Make sure you fit in time.
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Home alone
When I find out im gonna be home alone im like:
And Then I eat a lot of food like
And then I sing really loudly like
But then i hear a noise outside and i feel like someone is breaking in and im like
And Then I eat a lot of food like
And then I sing really loudly like
And Then I dance around my house like:
But then i hear a noise outside and i feel like someone is breaking in and im like
And then my parents are gone for a long time and im like
and then they come home and im like:
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Different thoughts
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Present ^_^
So....everybody is living in the future....I mean the present doesn`t matters to much.For some persons,the future is more important,they forget about the present , all of theyr actions are in the future:"I`m gonna do that...";"I`ll go there....";"I`ll say that...." and after a cup of time they wake up saing ".....this day [week/month/year] passed so fast.Can you belive it?"
Today I had the chance to live in the past....Why? ....It`s gonna` sound stupid but I just found my diary in a box of memoryes.I had the chance to think about the past,to remember some things ,to relive some events and to think about who I was and who I am.
Good and bad things were written there.While reading I felt fear,hapiness,love,sadness,hate,friendship,guilt, forgiveness.....all in 10 minutes.The moments when I was scared about the future,the unimportant things that I had been scared,the happy events ,persons and things in my life [bad or good] and I realised that I should live in present....not in the future,not in the past.In the PRESENT...smiling! :)
Today I had the chance to live in the past....Why? ....It`s gonna` sound stupid but I just found my diary in a box of memoryes.I had the chance to think about the past,to remember some things ,to relive some events and to think about who I was and who I am.
Good and bad things were written there.While reading I felt fear,hapiness,love,sadness,hate,friendship,guilt, forgiveness.....all in 10 minutes.The moments when I was scared about the future,the unimportant things that I had been scared,the happy events ,persons and things in my life [bad or good] and I realised that I should live in present....not in the future,not in the past.In the PRESENT...smiling! :)
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